
How to make a Technical Box for the TEPS Erasmus+ project.

Handout for teachers.

We propose the following guidelines:

  1. The box is to be used by a small group of children.
  2. The children have to work “independently”.
  3. The children will read what they will learn at the beginning of the handout
  4. There is an indication of the suitable age range of the children on each box.
  5. Children check the contents of the box before and after doing the activity. A checklist of contents should be included.
  6. The boxes are to be exchanged with other groups, teachers or satellite- or partner schools.
  7. In the box is a “user’s manual” for the children in English with as little as possible text and mostly pictures or illustrations. You can add some words in the native language if necessary.
  8. The box also contains a “user’s manual” for teachers with information about the item: Theme and /or domain, purpose of the activity , learning content, list of contents, and the contact details of the teacher who assembled the box ( name, email address, phone number etc.) so that colleagues can contact each other if they have questions or comments.
  9. We place all the documents and handouts and put them in a folder. The hand out for teachers is printed on colored (yellow) paper, so that the pupils will see the difference. The handouts could be laminated so that they can be used multiple times.
  10. It is recommended that spare parts or duplicates are included (e.g. batteries, rubber bands, glue, markers etc.).
  11. We use “Word” ; Times New Roman 24. The name of the box (title) has also this logo:
  1. The description of the box and the “user’s manual” for the children will be published on the website www.  in “boxes”, each partner school will have a pass word to up load. You can find some examples on the site.
  2. It could be useful to give some children “instructions” before they start and/or ask their reactions afterwards and help them with the worksheet.
  3. Make copies of the worksheet and put them in a folder in the box.
  4. Sometimes it is nice to show the results for a short time in a “TEPS” glass case.
  5. Use less text and more pictures ( IKEA Strategy)
  6. In the second year (May 2018) Partner schools will look which domains are needed.
  7. Use simple, clear, concise language
  8. Include a picture of the contents of each box.
  9. The importance of teachers trying out the box is emphasised
  10. Pupils will evaluate the experiments.
  11. It is suggested the possibility of compiling an index or list of boxes from each country involved in order to avoid overlap and to ensure that all aspects of the science curriculum are covered
  12. Teachers are reminded to search for parallel schools in their neighbourhoods to join in the p
  13. Before making a box check which boxes are already made and available on the website. For example, there may already be a sufficient number of boxes on electricity, air, heat or another topic.
  14. In May 2018 we will check which type or category of boxes we need.
  15. Be careful with handicrafts to ensure they meet the technical aim/learning outcome.
  16. Parallel schools – the boxes are spread out among about five schools.
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