OBS Dalton het Palet

Contact person:

Anton Verwey


This is a primary school that adheres to the philosophy of Helen Parkhurst’s Dalton Plan. Aiming to achieve a balance between each child’s talents and responsibility, achieved through individual development and through collective co-operation. We work together with our associated school “Het Palet Opheusden” also during this project.

Children at Het Palet are presented with opportunities to make educational choices about their learning and in the process discover how to identify their interests and take responsibility for pursuing them. Over the years, Dalton students learn how to take responsibility for their own education. Dalton graduates frequently comment on how well prepared they were for college because the Dalton Plan taught them how to budget their time, seek out faculty, and take control of their own educational destinies.

We have about 100 students, divided into four groups. You can speak of a mixed population of children. In our school, we are actively working to shape talent development amongst children. We offer children more than just learning language and mathematics. We will design this idea, on the basis of workshops. Technology is one of them.

Our school is situated in a rural village called Kesteren in the middle of The Netherlands. Our school is an important feature of the community in our village.

We are also a “Vreedzame school”.

We want our “Dalton school for the future” to be valued. We wish to prepare our children for a diverse modern society with a focus on technical knowledge. We want to create and implement a project that promotes not only technical knowledge but also other skills like language  (Dutch and English) and mathematics.

Some of the teachers have been visiting foreign schools to get information about the Dalton system in Brno in the Czech rep.

We want to share our efforts with other international schools. In the context of our curriculum we give more depth to internationalism. We want to make the technical knowledge programme in the European context stronger. We know that taking part in an Erasmus+ strategic Partnership project encourages teachers, gives them an informed more open mind and has lasting impact. Pupils and their parents are more interested in the education project. We want to complete our curriculum to develop a project for technical  education and internationalization.  Another important aspect is that we will also take part in a ministerial project about developing technical knowledge in combination with other participants (schools) in the Netherlands. We will work on the European dimension at our school by sharing our experience with other European schools and their ideas about teaching methodologies and strategies for techniques and ways of teaching.

Our pupils have lessons in the English language from the first classes (4 years old) and in forms 5, 6, 7 and 8 so we will use the contacts with our partner schools to stimulate to use this language with our visitors and to use it in email projects such as eTwinning.

We will use our experiences in techniques and work together with our satellite school in Opheusden and other European primary schools, as partners and share results.

OBS Het Palet

Contact person:

Anton Verwey


Our school is quite small but is an important place in a rural area.

This  school is deemed a ‘Vreedzame school’ (peaceful school), because we want our children to have a nice and fine school time.

Our ‘Vreedzame school’ prepares children for a diverse modern society.

We took part in a Comenius project that promotes anti-xenophobia on a child friendly way.

We will use our experiences in techniques and work together with our satellite school in Kesteren and other European primary schools, as partners and share results.

We have an extra ordinary time table so that our pupils work, play and eat together during the day.

Now we have in development the working with “tablets” with all our children in the classrooms.

This is the second  time that we work with other European schools in a partnership.